Wednesday, August 11, 2021

7 Habits That Can Stain Your Teeth

Everyone longs for nice bright white teeth, don't they? If you are noticing that your teeth are becoming stained and discoloured, there are some habits that you may have fallen into that could be contributing to your discoloured teeth.

The most common reason for stained teeth is consuming food or drink that contains chemical compounds called chromogens. These are typically present in food and drinks with an intense colour, such as red wine or coffee. But there are plenty of other culprits too. Here are some of the main offenders.


1.    Coffee, Tea and Red Wine

These three baddies are the most common causes of stained teeth. The chromogens in coffee can stick to the enamel of your teeth (gross!), which will then cause staining over time.

Black tea contains tannins that can have a worse staining effect than coffee. Adding milk to your tea can help reduce the chance of staining over time.

Red wine is one of the most apparent teeth stainers, but you can reduce the chances of staining by sipping water along with your wine.

Ultimately reducing your intake of these beverages or cutting them out altogether is the only way to prevent them from staining your teeth over a prolonged period.

2.    Acidic drinks

You may be surprised at some of the other drinks that can cause teeth staining. Due to the high sugar content, pigments and acid in sports drinks and fizzy drinks like cola, these drinks can also cause significant dental stains.

White wine is, perhaps surprisingly, just as bad as red wine when it comes to causing dental stains. The high acid content can erode the enamel on your teeth, making them more prone to staining from other food and drink.

3.    Teeth staining foods

Food with deep colours such as beetroot, tomatoes, berries and soy sauce can all cause teeth staining. Curry is also a big offender, along with tomato-based sauces and salad dressing made with balsamic vinegar.

4.    Not drinking enough water

We are always being told to drink more water, and there is a good reason for that. As well as keeping you hydrated and assisting in the body's ability to flush out toxins, water helps to rinse away debris on your teeth that might cause staining. So put down the cola and switch to water instead.

5.    Smoking

Everyone knows that smoking is an all-around villain with regard to your overall health. It is one of the major causes of teeth staining in addition to other oral health issues such as gum disease and mouth cancer. Another good reason to quit!

6.    Not Brushing or Flossing your teeth

Brushing your teeth twice a day is a bit of a given, right? But if you regularly skimp on your dental routine, this could be contributing to your teeth discolouration. Brushing twice a day with a good quality fluoride toothpaste and flossing at least once a day are essential routines to maintain healthy-looking teeth. 

7.    Not visiting the dentist

Keeping up with your dental appointments is one of the main ways to keep your teeth healthy. A dentist can spot any problems early on and give valuable advice on avoiding oral health problems such as teeth staining.

If you're nervous about visiting the dentist, then look no further than Gentle Care Dentist in Hornsby. We will put your mind at rest and ensure that you are well taken care of. 

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